Products ⇨ Field Software ⇨ MicroSurvey Field Genius MicroSurvey Field Genius
*Call 603-863-0833 for information on price and package details. Due to individual and distinct needs for this product and the packages available with it, prices may vary. MicroSurvey Field Genius has evovled over the last two decades to include all the tools the crew needs to resolve issues on site with all parts of the job from pickup to layout to as-builts. It is brand neutral, with drivers to support most common hardware available in the market today, as well as yesterday. Field Genius is a mature, professional, and full featured survey software that is also easy to use. Call 1-800-362-8734 for additional information on Price and package details. Due to individual and distinct needs for this product and the packages available with it, prices may vary. Delivery, setup, training, and support included for local customers.